Corpsefuckery and the like. Work in progress. Fuck off... or not. See if I care.

WELCOME TO NEKROTICS DOT ORG. This is my (MY!!!) website themed around Black Metal and Death Metal. It's mostly a personal blog and a way for me to express myself artistically and emotionally. If you enjoy it, great. If you don't, also great. I am too apathetic to give a shit about your opinion of me or my coding (which is fucked, I am aware. Don't make this window smaller than it has to be and don't look at this website on mobile (why would you be doing that anyways?)).

No, I do not give a shit about posers. Yes, I am new to Black Metal/Death Metal/Etc, so no, I do not know your ultra obscure bands. Apologies in advance. Yes, I did enjoy Lords of Chaos. Not because it was good, but rather because I am a homosexual. No, I don't like Mayhem. Mayhem blows chunks most of the time.

Start with my About Me if you're curious. Go wherever you want from there. Remember, ⛧ SATAN LOVES YOU!⛧

Decrepitus sacri fiends, locus iste relinque! In nomine Satanae, hanc ecclesiam peccati defende. Nema.